Terms of use

The use of third party links

On our website there are links to the websites of our third party partners. The content shared and opinions expressed on these sites do not necessarily reflect the views of Van Deijl Jewellers, and we should therefore not be regarded as the publisher of this material.

By selecting a link to the website of any third party partner, you may be subject to their unique Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies. Van Deijl Jewellers is neither the author of or have any influence over these policies, and can therefore not be held responsible for said policies.

Rolex Section

While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from www.rolex.com. In such case, Terms of Use, Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy of www.rolex.com are solely applicable.

Site Content and Intellectual Property

The Van Deijl website and all its related content, including but not limited to all images, designs, text, graphics, pictures, the look and feel of the site, information, data, software, video files (collectively referred to as the ‘site materials’) are the proprietary property of Van Deijl Jewellers and are protected by trade dress, copyright, trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws.

Your continued use of our website acts as recognition that Van Deijl Jewellers is the sole owner of all site materials.

Periodical changes

Van Deijl Jewellers reserves the right to update and alter our Terms of Use periodically.

Your continued use of our website as a client acts as acceptance of these periodical changes, and it is therefore your responsibility as the user to stay up to date with our current Terms of Use before accessing the service on our website.

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